Reinvesting in Your Service Supply Chain
In a recent article, we laid out six ways your service organization can save money through better planning, better execution, and automation. But what is your organization going to do with that money?
Say your organization started saving 25% annually on inventory spend after deploying a Service Parts Planning solution, that could be big! That allows you to spend a cross functional team that helps improve installed base data, or the savings leads to a better CSAT score, and ultimately your organization obtains a better place in the Gartner rankings, which allows the sales to grow because your organization’s brand is recognized for great service.
It’s not just numbers and quantitative gains in saving on inventory through having better solutions for your Service Parts Management. Team members are happier as their roles become easier with automation, time savings, and fewer escalations, allowing them to work on strategic projects versus getting bogged down in day-to-day tasks. Retaining your team members is also a bonus here as labor shortages are affecting organizations across the globe with no known end in sight.
Savings don’t just provide benefit for the current calendar year and the fiscal health of the department or overall company, but it’s an investment for the future of the service business.

Lindsey Rose
Marketing Director
Lindsey is a relatively new addition to the Baxter Planning team, running the company’s marketing activities like webinars, email communication, and you guessed it – the Baxter Planning Blog.
With more than eight years in B2B Marketing, Lindsey enjoys finding unique ways for a company to not only stand out, but to bring true benefit a company’s customers and the industry as a whole. She finds the Baxter Planning team especially amazing to work with because of the deep passion and knowledge held by the subject matter experts and everyone at the company.
Lindsey stays plenty busy outside of work, spending time with her husband and their two toddlers. They spend lots of time at playgrounds and going for walks with their dog.