Sustainability Through and Through

Happy Earth Day! Sustainability is a big deal here at Baxter Planning, both for us as a company and to our employees as individuals. We can all make a difference, every single day.

Inspiration and Intentional Decisions

The environment has always been a near-and-dear cause of mine. My dad grew up in a suburb of Pittsburgh, PA, and I remember seeing a huge smokestack from my grandmother’s porch. Otherwise, this area of the Allegheny Valley was green, hilly, and picturesque, but the billowing, black smoke from this massive chimney certainly altered that postcard look.

The Rachel Carson Homestead and Museum is near my dad’s childhood home, and that very smokestack was one of her biggest inspirations to study biology and the environment. This led to her world-changing book, Silent Spring. Rachel Carson has always been a hero of mine, and while I may never make a difference as large as she did, I want to make any difference I can. With that, I guide much of my life by making intentional decisions. The company I work for is no exception, so when I found Baxter Planning and learned more about it, I knew it would be a company I could be proud to join.

Sustainability and the Service Supply Chain

Our software, BaxterProphet, helps organizations run their Service Supply Chain more efficiently by reducing the need for expedited shipping and increasing first-time fix for technician visits, which means less trips in the technician van.

Baxter Planning Walks the Walk

As a company, we have many Earth-friendly initiatives like being paperless, composting, offering remote work flexibility (pre and post COVID), sending conservation tips in each internal newsletter, and more. The company has a Green Team, which I eagerly joined as I wanted to get to know like-minded coworkers and hopefully help drive even more green initiatives in the future.

And it’s not just me who feels this way! Here’s what a couple of other employees have to say:

“I’m proud that sustainability has long been a passion for Baxter Planning. Our co-founder, Audrey Baxter, implemented in-office recycling and refillable water bottles long before it was common in Austin. We have continued to improve our processes by implementing composting and going completely paperless. The Baxter Green Team meets regularly to brainstorm ways we can better educate ourselves and the company about sustainability.” – Gina, Human Resources Manager

“I knew that there were a lot of things that we as a company could be doing even better for our environment. I joined the Green Team because I wanted to help put those things into action, and also to help educate the company on what they could do individually that would add up to big changes.” – Jen, Accounting Specialist

Baxter Planning and its employees have also donated to a variety of environmentally focused nonprofits such as The Trail Foundation, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Cool Effect, and more.

Thank You, Rachel Carson

You were a trailblazer for women in science, a defender of nature, a protector of your neighbors, and so much more. And thank you to all the Supply Chain professionals out there working to keep the world running in the most sustainable way possible. I’m proud that Baxter Planning is a part of that.

“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” – Rachel Carson

Lindsey Rose

Lindsey Rose
Marketing Director

Lindsey is a relatively new addition to the Baxter Planning team, running the company’s marketing activities like webinars, email communication, and you guessed it – the Baxter Planning Blog.

With more than eight years in B2B Marketing, Lindsey enjoys finding unique ways for a company to not only stand out, but to bring true benefit a company’s customers and the industry as a whole. She finds the Baxter Planning team especially amazing to work with because of the deep passion and knowledge held by the subject matter experts and everyone at the company.

Lindsey stays plenty busy outside of work, spending time with her husband and their two toddlers. They spend lots of time at playgrounds and going for walks with their dog.